Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Special guest: Boys like fashion too. C.C. Marques, from Portugal

After I became an Independent Fashion Bloggers member, I've been getting friend requests from all over the world, with fabulous fashion blogs, all totally different and with new ideas. And one of them was Barney, or C.C. Marques. Actually he is a very stylish boy from Portugal that also runs his fashion blog, but concentrated mainly in men. Something that I hadn't seen by now. The most of them are mixed or dedicated just to girls. He talks about style, but not just on himself but also in men fashion icons just as David Beckham. Here is his url: http://youcancallmehitch.blogspot.pt/
So, he kindly allowed me so show some pictures, and here he is. Amazing C.C. Marques from Portugal and a super cool, casual style.

Awww, you know I can't resist pictures with pets :)

I've spoken many wonders about Portugal on previous entries, so I'm gonna skip that by now, but we all know how sexy, stylish and nice Portuguese people are!!

❤ Portugal :)

Thank you so much C.C.!!

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